Bruce M. Fink, D.C., D.A.B.C.I., D.C.B.C.N., D.A.C.N.B.
Chiropractic | Nutrition | Neurology | Rehabilitation | Massage Therapy
Curriculum Vitae Page Five
January 2013: Clinical Applications III. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. 15 Hours. Dr. Nate Keiser
March 2013: Clinical Applications IV. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. 15 Hours. Dr. Adam Klotzek
April 2013: The Neurological Exam. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. 15 Hours. Dr. Nate Keiser
May 2013: Neurological Review. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. 15 Hours. Dr. Mike Powell
July 2013: American Board of Chiropractic Internists Annual Symposium. Northwestern University of Health Sciences. Chicago, IL. 14 Hours.
May 2014: American Board of Chiropractic Internists and American Chiropractic Board of Nutrition Joint Symposium. Denver, CO. 16 Hours.
August 2014: Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries. 12 Hours. Dr. Gregory Doerr
October 2014: Spinal Cord. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. Module 804. 15 Hours. Dr. Freddys Garcia.
December 2014: Reflexogenic Systems. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. Module 805. 15 Hours. Dr. Adam Klotsek
April 2015: Nature Versus Nurture Reconsidered. American Chiropractic Association Joint Symposium. Fort Lauderdale, FL. 18 hours.
April 2015: Functional Neuro-Orthopedic Rehabilitation: The Upper Quarter. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies.
April 2015: Funtional Neuro-Orthopedic Rehabilitation. The Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies. Atlanta, GA. 25 hours. Dr. David George, D.C., D.A.N.C.B. & Stuart M. Fife, P.T.
May 1-3, 2015: Functional Neuro-Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Part I. Rehabilitation of the Upper Quarter. The Carrick Institute of Postgraduate Studies. Atlanta , Ga. 25 hours
October 17-18, 2015: Clinical Applications of Neuroscience: Cognitive and Traumatic Syndromes. Dr's Ted Carrick and Daneil Amen. Atlanta, Ga: livestream.
June 10-12th, 2016: Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders, Module I, Examination of the Newborn and Infant. Dr. Robert Melillo. Chicago, IL. 25 hours, Livestream
July 23-24, 2016: Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders, Module II, ADHD, OCD, Tourettes. Dr. Robert Melillo. Chicago, IL. 15 hours, Livestream.
July 28-30, 2016: American Board of Chiropractic Internists Annual Symposium. St. Louis, MO. Integrative Oncology. Various speakers.
Sept 24-25, 2016: Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders – Module III
ADHD, OCD & Tourette's - Part II Dr. Robert Melillo, MS, DC, PhD DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD, Chicago, IL
November 19-20, 2016: Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders – Module IV Autism: Robert Melillo, MS, DC, PhD (C) DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD. Chicago, IL.
January 28-29, 2017: Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders – Module 5 Autism - Part II Lecturer: Robert Melillo, MS, DC, PhD (C) DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD , Chicago, IL
April 1-2, 2017: Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia, Part I –Module 6 Robert Melillo, MS, DC, PhD (C) DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD in Chicago, IL
April 22-24, 2017: ACA Nutrition Council: Conducting the DNA Train for the Optimization of Health and Well-Being Location: Tempe, AZ, Instructor: Various
May 20-21, 2017: Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia, Part II–Module 7 Lecturer: Robert Melillo, MS, DC, PhD (C) DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD , Chicago, IL
July 22-23, 2017: Behavioral & Attachment Considerations in Neurobehavioral Disorders in Children–Module 8, Lecturer: Robert Melillo, MS, DC, PhD (C) DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD Chicago, IL