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​Conditions Treated​

  • Sports injuries

  • Rotator cuff problems

  • Neck and back injuries

  • Tendonitis

  • Bursitis

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Trigger Points

  • Knee injuries

  • Runners Injuries

Rehab helps us to achieve our goal of helping patients to help themselves. 

By teaching the appropriate exercises, patients are given a tool which allows them to relieve their pain at home. Properly prescribed exercises can speed recovery and help injured patients return to activity quickly. Often times, patients are given exercises to help their pain immediately.

We have a special interest in chronic musculoskeletal pain. Chronic pain syndromes invariably are associated with “weak links”. Recovery from chronic pain is impossible without addressing weakened or shortened muscle.  The combination of joint manipulation, custom rehab and nutritional intervention can often turn a chronic condition around.

Make an appointment

Please call 814-274-8486 to schedule an appointment

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